DotNetStarter - Registering Items

There are two ways to register items with to the locator.


The first and simplest way is using the DotNetStarter.Abstractions.RegistrationAttribute on the implementation class. This works for registering type implementations but doesn’t support delegate or instance based registrations.

[Registration(typeof(IServiceType), LifeTime.Singleton)]

Customizing RegistrationAttribute lifecycles

Application developers may modify services discovered with the RegistrationAttribute in the StartupBuilder.OverrideDefaults callback using the UseRegistrationModifier to pass a custom registration modifier. The default is null. Below is a sample registration modifier

public class AppRegistrationModifier : IRegistrationsModifier
    public void Modify(ICollection<Registration> registrations)
        // changes all IFooService to singletons
        registrations.Where(r => r.ServiceType == typeof(IFooService)).All(r =>
            r.Lifecycle = Lifecycle.Singleton;
            return true;


The second method requires a class that implements DotNetStarter.Abstractions.ILocatorConfigure with a StartupModuleAttribute decoration.

public class Example : ILocatorConfigure
    public void Configure(ILocatorRegistry container, ILocatorConfigureEngine engine)
        container.Add<BaseTest, BaseImpl>(lifecycle: Lifecycle.Scoped);

        container.Add(typeof(IFoo), locator => FooFactory.CreateFoo(), Lifecycle.Transient);

IMPORTANT: The types that implement this interface also need empty constructors as locator with its underlying container have not been configured, there will be nothing to inject.


Both methods support adding dependencies which allows for an override system. The most common example will be overriding services registered with the RegistrationAttribute

ILocatorConfigure module dependent on the RegisterConfiguration type:

public class DependencyExample : ILocatorConfigure
    public void Configure(ILocatorRegistry container, ILocatorConfigureEngine engine)
        container.Add<IServiceType, NewImpl>(lifecycle: Lifecycle.Scoped);

RegistrationAttribute dependent on another implementation type:

[Registration(typeof(IServiceType), Lifecycle.Singleton, typeof(ServiceTypeImplToOverride))]

The attribute with the typeof(RegistrationConfiguration) allows this ILocatorConfigure to be executed after the RegistrationAttribute assignments. The StartupModuleAttribute and RegistrationAttribute a for an array of type dependencies, so the more dependencies they have the later they will executed!

IMPORTANT: The typeof() dependencies must match the class type they are overriding, for example RegistrationConfiguration implements ILocatorConfigure, so adding it as dependency to implementations of ILocatorConfigure works. Adding a type that doesn’t match for example typeof(string) will result in an InvalidOperationException during dependency sorting.